MACHINERY: machinery for assembling tights, Boggiani's specialization.
Do you want to optimize your tights production?
Trust our experience.
We specialize in the design, manufacturing and assistance of machinery for assembling tights.
The tights production process: an overview.
The production of socks and tights is a complex process that requires specific machinery. The first phaseving of the tubular – the main part of the tights – made with circular machines. Next comes the assembly phase, in which machinery joins the two legs of the tubular to create a single garment.
Our services: design, manufacturing and assistance.
At Boggiani we offer a complete range of services to meet your every need:
- Design: We create costumized machinery for your specific production needs
- Manufacturing: We produce high-quality, reliable and long-lasting machinery
- Assistance: We guarantee an efficient and timely after-sales technical assistance service
Why choose us?
- Experience: Years of experience in the pantyhose machinery sector
- Innovation: Cutting-edge machinery and innovative technological solutions
- Customization: We design and manufacture machinery tailored to your needs
Do you produce socks and pantyhose?
Contact us today to find out how we can help you improve your production.